Women do More Unpaid Work than Men Globally

Statistics also show women have less leisure time

Ming Li

Published Oct. 28, 2019

Roles involved: Data cleaning, Python, design, d3.js and web implementation

Data and codes: GitHub Page

The time spent on unpaid work such as household chores or shopping exposes huge gender gaps, a latest OECD study has showed.

Mexican women spend the most time on these tasks at 6 hours and 23 minutes a day while Mexican men spend an average of 2 hours and 17 minutes on unpaid work. In India, women on average do 5 hours more unpaid work than men everyday, the widest gap in the world.

Japanese men do the least amount of unpaid work, about 40 minutes per day. The most helpful men are the Danes who spend 3 hours and 6 minutes a day helping out at home.

Source: OECD

In terms of leisure time, the gender gap is smaller. But it is still true that men have more leisure time each day in every country. Mexcican women have the least amount of leisure time, around 2 hours 44 minutes a day. Men enjoy the most leisure time are in Italy, with over 6 hours and 6 minutes in total.

Source: OECD